Christian von Lähr | BLOG

June 30, 2011

2011 Prediction (7) | Volcanic Activity breaches the Arabian /Eurasian Plates – 3000 foot Tsunami

Filed under: 2011 Predictions — ChrisTian @ 3:14 am

2011 Prediction (7) | Volcanic Activity breaches the Arabian /Eurasian Plates – 3000 foot Tsunami results off the coast of Africa


Major world-class Tsunami to hit America’s East Coast.

Although I have been forseeing events centering on the area of the Ring of Fire, I now see this break-up of the Earth’s crust occuring independently half-way across the world from the ROF.

There are two Plates, the Arabian Plate andthe Eurasian Plates that will show the signs of this break-up.  The cracking of the earth will result from volcanic activity in the area, at a premature time, that will have destructive impact on the Canary islands.  It is the effects of this sliding into the ocean of the islands that will initiate the Tsunami.  The height will exceed 3,000 feet, given the size of the islands, and the drop that will be experienced.  Similar to events from Japan, the wave will race towards North America, this time it will hit the southern East Coast, after a destructive swath through the Carribean.


Dr. Christian von Lähr, Msc.D.

Claircognizant/Clairvoyant Psychic-Medium

DISCUSSION FORM: the Ancients’ Wisdom (link)
WEBSITE: Myst of the Oracle (link)
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TELEVISION:  "Messenger"  ( (link)   >>>Blog

June 3, 2011

2011 Prediction (6) | California splits in 2012

Filed under: 2011 Predictions — ChrisTian @ 2:53 pm

2011 Prediction (6) | California splits in 2012


California will begin to split along major fault lines in 2012.

Technically, the process I see would have already started, and it is a result of volcanic activity, particularly along the Ring of Fire, altered position of the Earth’s core, and the push/pull effects of several heavenly bodies.  There will be a splitting of California along its major fault lines in 2012.  Regardless that this has the appearance of catastrophe, there is something advantageous to this, and on several levels.  As regards the Earth, this process – one relative to the moving tectonic Plates below California – will be analogous to releasing pressure on a pressure cooker.  This would speak to the benefit of the Earth, as it would forestall further catastrophes.  If importance, though, is that this breaking of California would be an indication that the Pangea effect is once again activated and the Earth can expect an eventual breaking up, then coalescence of the continents into one main body.  This later movement would occur over a great expanse of time, true, but there would be indications that an early Ice Age would ensue long before the completion of that amalgamation of the Earth’s mass.  This process would precede the eventual movements of all the plates that the Earth’s surface seems to float on, and so rising and sinking of land is inevitable.  This will lead to tsunami as a natural course, and more readily, extreme weather changes.  Because of the long expanse of time all of these events will require, what we will see in 2012 is the “writing on the wall.”



Dr. Christian von Lähr, Msc.D.

Claircognizant/Clairvoyant Psychic-Medium

DISCUSSION FORM: the Ancients’ Wisdom (link)
WEBSITE: Myst of the Oracle (link)
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TELEVISION:  "Messenger"  ( (link)   >>>Blog

2011 Prediction (5) | War in last half of 2011 and in 2012

Filed under: 2011 Predictions — ChrisTian @ 2:34 pm

2011 Prediction (5) | War in last half of 2011 and in 2012


The United States at War again.


I was simply driving one day, on the way back from a rather casual and enjoyable day whereby I was able to enjoy many of the sights and sounds of Southern California.  Then it hit me … and when things just come to you out of the blue without forethought whatsoever, or any connection evident in your thinking you know you are actually [receiving] something “… the United States is going to war again.  It will be soon, starting this year and most evident in 2012.”

Although I have a high expectation that the United States will couch its conflict under its new blanket disguise of National Security, this war has strong economical and [power] undertones.  Therefore, the United States, but as a pawn for a select group of instigators,  is committing troops for select personal gain of the few.  There is the sense that we will be at odds with our own traditional allies, and it is the Europe – particularly the U.K. that will challenge our position.  There is an underlying strategy to gain and maintain power in the world.  Although I do not believe we have overtly acted this way before, this time there seems a need to protect our power base.  Our economy if a weak link in our power base, so these two agendas are interrelated.


Dr. Christian von Lähr, Msc.D.

Claircognizant/Clairvoyant Psychic-Medium

DISCUSSION FORM: the Ancients’ Wisdom (link)
WEBSITE: Myst of the Oracle (link)
BLOG: (link)
TELEVISION:  "Messenger"  ( (link)   >>>Blog

February 11, 2011

2011 Prediction (4) | Cosmic Discovery

Filed under: 2011 Predictions — ChrisTian @ 2:57 am

2011 Prediction (4) | Cosmic Discovery


A Dark Solar System – the Nibiru Connection

New Solar System – Astromers will both discover, and find the means to prove that far out in distance to our own Solar System is a counter-system.  This system to include a dark star or perhaps even a black hole remnant of one will still have a series of planets, also dark from distruction of the star.  This system has an affect on our own Solar System, and may prove the Nibiru connection depicted in ancient Sumerian art forms.


Dr. Christian von Lähr, Msc.D.

Claircognizant/Clairvoyant Psychic-Medium

DISCUSSION FORM: the Ancients’ Wisdom (link)
WEBSITE: Myst of the Oracle (link)
BLOG: (link)
TELEVISION:  "Messenger"  ( (link)   >>>Blog

2011 Prediction (3) | the New Math

Filed under: 2011 Predictions — ChrisTian @ 2:48 am

2011 Prediction (3) | the New Math


Universal Mathematics – A Breakthrough

New Math– Science will be putting forward an entirely new branch of Physics and Mathematics, and these will support computations and means to weigh and measure beyond dimensions.  Therefore, science will move beyond the Physical manifested Universe to provide a means for proving a Divine Design.


Dr. Christian von Lähr, Msc.D.

Claircognizant/Clairvoyant Psychic-Medium

DISCUSSION FORM: the Ancients’ Wisdom (link)
WEBSITE: Myst of the Oracle (link)
BLOG: (link)
TELEVISION:  "Messenger"  ( (link)   >>>Blog

2011 Prediction (2) | the Ageless Human

Filed under: 2011 Predictions — ChrisTian @ 2:38 am

2011 Prediction (2) | the Ageless Human


LONGEVITY – A Breakthrough

Longer Life – Using a special variation on Stem-Cell Research, Medical Researchers and Scientists have proven a method for extending life in humans.  This will be a regenerative therepy using a person’s own DNA in combination with stem cells to [trick] to body back to an earlier age.  This will have amazing advantages for continued good health, and even recovery from debilitating illness, and well into later years.


Dr. Christian von Lähr, Msc.D.

Claircognizant/Clairvoyant Psychic-Medium

DISCUSSION FORM: the Ancients’ Wisdom (link)
WEBSITE: Myst of the Oracle (link)
BLOG: (link)
TELEVISION:  "Messenger"  ( (link)   >>>Blog

2011 Prediction (1) | Chemtrails are an Experiment

Filed under: 2011 Predictions — ChrisTian @ 2:28 am


CHEMTRAILS – A Serious Experiment

Chemtrails – The special spraying of metal-based concoctions is deliberate.  There will be grave concern about the affects of the anticipated 2012 Solar Flare activity, and these metal experiments are the means being tested to shield the atmosphere, and thus block waves.

Chemtrails – But there may be a more sinister double agenda.  Should catastrophy strike, two things will be needed.  First, a way of activating the programming being performed on humans through the H1N1 manipulations … this can occur magnetically (magnetic waves) and these experiments  are a means to support communication or controls to humans.  Secondly, there must be away to perform sanitation and decomposition services on the many who may parish in catastrophes.  Chemtrail experiments are providing the tests.  This will prove related to the large fish kills and bird kills in early 2011.


Dr. Christian von Lähr, Msc.D.

Claircognizant/Clairvoyant Psychic-Medium

DISCUSSION FORM: the Ancients’ Wisdom (link)
WEBSITE: Myst of the Oracle (link)
BLOG: (link)
TELEVISION:  "Messenger"  ( (link)   >>>Blog

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